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Use Your Data to Impact Customer Onboarding

Customer Intelligence means so much more than identifying at-risk accounts or opportunities. Deriving insights from customer data allows you to impact specific moments in your customers’ journeys.

Customer Onboarding is one specific moment where our own clients have used to find fascinating and actionable insights. Check out their learnings and consider whether similar learnings may be hidden in your own data...

Surprising insights customers gleaned from onboarding data

More interaction is better… IF it’s the right interaction.

One of’s clients layered product adoption data for 30, 60, and 90 days post launch, training content and courses consumed, and number of meetings each week and correlated these with onboarding Customer Satisfaction surveys.

What they found:

  • Product adoption increased over time when there were 2x more weekly meetings

  • More training at certain points in the onboarding journey correlated to higher rates of churn!

This client was able to focus its efforts on 1-1 meetings during the onboarding process and reduce its focus on product training until later in its customers’ lifecycle.

Double down on training that matters.

Another client compared training content with product adoption after six months, and discovered that only one third of courses correlated with higher product adoption. They could use this information to invest their resources in maintaining trainings that mattered and reduce the amount of less valuable content.

Get initial time-to-value right

In one comparison, an client analyzed the length of time-to-value and churn rates and found that, for their product, shorter first time to value was related to higher churn! However, they also compared product adoption and expansion rates and discovered the top five product features whose early adoption led to higher expansion rates for their clients. They could therefore focus onboarding time and effort on those features, reducing internal investment in onboarding time, while improving customer impact.

Build in actions that lead to renewal and referenceability

One client was able to retain and expand their customer base by comparing successful customers against:

  • First time-to-value and product adoption - they learned that their customers are twice as likely to serve as references when onboarding time frames are less than 12 weeks AND product adoption is greater than 50% of licenses within 30 days post launch.

  • Type of handoff from sales to CS - they discovered that a live introduction and handoff from the sales to the CS team increased renewal 10X (!!!).

  • First-time-to value and whether goals were reviewed in kickoff meetings - When success criteria were not reviewed with customers at kick off, first time to value took six times longer.

This information offered a path for the company to structure onboarding in a more impactful way, by building in a warm handoff between sales and CS and ensuring the review of goals right at the beginning of the project.

Remember: These insights are not necessarily true for you.

As the image at the top of this article point out, your story will be unique. What is true is that you have the opportunity to let your data guide your approach to customer onboarding. Identify the areas where investment leads to positive outcomes and give your customers the best possible experience.


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